
Structural & Aesthetic Pruning


We recommend pruning twice a year for fruit trees that have not been tended in a while.
Summer pruning is great for height control and taking out larger limbs without resulting in vigorous growth in response the following season.
Winter pruning is great for finer-tuned cleanup and purposeful encouragement of growth for fruit-production.


Michael’s Peach

March 2020 Before 1st Winter Pruning Did a lighter pruning focused on thinning branches and shortening fruiting-branches

March 2020
Before 1st Winter Pruning
Did a lighter pruning focused on thinning branches and shortening fruiting-branches

October 2020 Before 1st Summer Pruning Report of good and heavy fruit production

October 2020
Before 1st Summer Pruning
Report of good and heavy fruit production

October 2020 After 1st Summer Pruning Did a heavier structural pruning thinning out more of the middle of the tree and shortened the height

October 2020
After 1st Summer Pruning
Did a heavier structural pruning thinning out more of the middle of the tree and shortened the height


Ellie’s Apricot

Varietal Grafting


One apple tree, but Five varieties you’d like to be growing?


Grafting is a magical (and real) splicing of sticks onto an existing rooted tree in the early springtime. This practice allows for growing different varieties of the same fruit on one tree, rather than having a separate tree for each variety. Let’s say you planted a Fuji apple tree years ago, and you like those just fine, but you recently discovered that Jonathan’s are more your flavor now, and you’ve heard about the mythical Karmijn de Sonnaville that you’re excited to try but isn’t available in stores, and you don’t have room for another tree… Many people in the Bay don’t have so much yard area to play with—this is an excellent way to maximize space and grow the varieties you know you love, in addition to some you’re looking forward to getting to know.


At Savanu, we have access to ~50 varieties of apples suited for the Bay Area climate(s), as well as varieties of avocado, pear, fig, and more. We partner with Freddy and Ellen over at Epicenter Nursery for organic, rare, and high-quality varieties, and attend the yearly scion exchange put on by the Golden Gate Chapter of the California Rare Fruit Growers.


Excess Fruit Harvest


Sometimes there’s just more fruit than one can handle.

We love to cook, and are happy to help take and redistribute or transform your excess harvest. Food waste hurts our hearts… and our planet. We’re committed to taking excellent care of your fruit trees, and part of that is making sure the fruit fulfills its purpose in being shared and enjoyed—while also leaving plenty for birds, squirrels, and other creatures that share our spaces.
